

Synthetic Polymers, Also Known As Plastics, Have Transformed Our Lives In The Last Few Decades.

The Chemical and Petrochemical Industries occupies a pivotal position in meeting some basic human needs and in improving the quality of life. It is extremely important to the economy and is an integral part of everyday life.

The driving force for this development was provided by the need for conservation of natural resources and energy efficiency. Its inherent advantages have created possibilities of innovative designs and cost savings. Its usefulness, adaptability and flexibility of usage have led to a shift in manufacturing from the conventional material based products to synthetic products. The production of polymers has thus increased from 7.51 million tonne in 2012-13 to 12.40 million ton in 2019-20 (CAGR of 7.43%), while its consumption has increased from 9.58 million ton to 14.22 million ton (CAGR of 5.81%) during the same period.

Conservation Of Natural Resources And Energy Efficiency

We are proudly contributing to the growth of India’s SME sector that depends on polymer. When buying and selling polymer becomes so easy, all that the manufacturing setups need to focus on, is business growth.

Top Five Petrochemical Products

Top five Petrochemical products (in terms of value) imported from different countries during 2019-20 were Poly Propylene (Inc. Co-Polymer) (Rs.8,540/- Cr.), High Density Polyethylene (Rs.6,344/- Cr.), Styrene (Rs.6,109/-Cr.), Poly Vinyl Chloride (Rs. 5,875/- Cr.) and Paraxylene (Rs.5,193/-Cr.), reflects the potential trade value.


Poly Propylene


High Density Polyethylene




Poly Vinyl Chloride



Polymers Trade Potential In India Market

Product Net Imports Imports (Val in Lacs) Total Demand Installed Production
(KTA) (2019-20) – (INR) (KTA) in 2019-20 Capacity in India (KTA) 2019-20
HDPE 301.072 318409 2198.64 Combined HDPE / LLDPE (5158.10)
LLDPE -83.631 -30142 2910.40
PP (Including Copolymers) 455.570 467274 5438.38 4933.80
LDPE 825.64 600
PVC 926.316 586073 2439.91 1498.65